2 May, 2020 17:00
Thoughts on Sarah Williams Goldhagen's Welcome to Your World: How the Built Environment Shapes Our Lives (Harper Paperbacks 2019): 
The built environment experienced as a single continuous take. The spaces we live, work, play, and pass through frame our story - how we perceive others, how others perceive us, how we perceive ourselves. 
Design the experience - multisensorial/ intersensorial stimuli, discoverability, feedback, conceptual model, affordances, signifiers, mapping (re: Don Norman, The Design of Everyday Things, MIT Press 2013), work the metaphor (re: Bruce Mau, "Incomplete Manifesto for Growth")... 
Design to advance human development on all levels - physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, emotional... Related talk from 2017: https://lnkd.in/gY2ThDE hashtag#Design hashtag#BuiltEnvironment hashtag#HumanCenteredDesign hashtag#DesignMatters
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